
1. Classes are ongoing. All students will be taken to class every week until DSC receives a signed written notice from the parent that they are discontinuing classes for their child. All correspondence should be between parent and DSC staff, not your school’s director.

2. Parents are financially responsible for paying for all classes taken by their child.

3. All classes are held once a week. A few months out of the year, we will have five weeks instead of four. There will be no extra charge for these extra classes.

4. All classes missed due to holidays, school events, and sick DSC teachers will be made upon a scheduled makeup day. Parents will be notified via phone or in writing of the makeup day and time. NOTE: Dancing Shadow Conservatory will be closed three weeks out of the school year for Christmas and Spring Break. You will still be required to pay for these months in full. Other months with 5 weeks make-up for these holidays.


1. Payments are due by the 1st of the month.

2. Once an invoice is generated parents are responsible for making that month’s payment no exceptions. Invoices are generated on the 24th of every month.

3. There will be a $25.00 late fee applied if your payment is received after the 5th of the month.

4. You must include the $25.00 late fee with your payment if you are paying past the 5th.

5. We accept cash, checks, money orders, and credit cards. For more information about paying with a credit card, please visit:

6. We do not prorate unless your child begins classes mid-month.

7. Please make all checks payable to Dancing Shadow Conservatory.

8. There will be NO REFUNDS given by Dancing Shadow Conservatory. This will include all single classes missed by students and early discontinuation of enrollment. If any refunds are given it will be at the discretion of the owner or if DSC decides to withdrawal from classes.

9. In the event that Dancing Shadow Conservatory receives payment without the proper enrollment sheet, the receipt of the payment and signature on said payment will be considered consent for student enrollment. Parent/guardians will automatically be assumed responsible for all policies and cost encored once said payment has been received unless otherwise specified in writing with payment.

10. There is a $25.00 registration fee per child.

11. There will be a $35.00 bounced check fee for every bounced check.

Correspondence with Dancing Shadow Conservatory:

All correspondence with DSC must be made by calling our voicemail at (714) 698-4334 or in writing via our email or snail mail 6771 Warner Ave. #3791 Huntington Beach, CA 92647.


We often do not receive messages left at your school. It is always better to contact us at one of the above options.

Privacy Policy

Dancing Shadow Conservatory will never sell any information collected via contract/enrollment form for business purposes such as names, phone numbers, addresses, birthdays, etc. to any third party or affiliate.  

Terms and Conditions

As a student of Dancing Shadow Conservatory, you agree to receive contact from DSC staff via email, phone call, or text message regarding scheduling, costuming, new programs, or upcoming events. Should there come a time where you no longer desire to have contact with DSC staff and would like to opt-out of said contact please inform us in writing at: to discontinue contact.