Competing is an everyday part of life. We compete for parking spaces at the grocery store, for the best colleges against other applicants, and to get our offer approved when buying our home. Competition is in everything we do in life. How we handle competition is what’s important. We believe in competing with style and grace. Whether we win or lose, we will hold our heads up high and handle ourselves with dignity and respect, so we can be pillars of our Dance community.
Danzation is a highly skilled competitive dance team who, not only competes but performs at various events throughout the year and donates their time to doing charity work. DSC believes in competing with a purpose. It is our goal to plan, prepare, and work together to be the best team we can be in the most loving, nurturing environment possible. Everyone doesn’t win in the real world and we understand that in the Dance world, we have to be at our best to bring home the trophies. For this reason, we dedicate ourselves to hard work, focus, and a lot of discipline.
A lot of time and effort is put into what we do as Dancers and we are better people for it. Becoming a dancer with flexibility, technique, artistry, and stage presence doesn’t happen overnight. It takes work and a lot of practice, but it is worth it in the end when we get on the stage and perform with all the passion and heart in our souls.
We give of ourselves every time we perform on the stage!