Audition Prep List

Audition Prep List

Things to Remember When Auditioning


  1. Get a good nights sleep the night before
  2. Eat a good and healthy meal before you leave
  3. Bring a picture and resume
  4. Have a solo prepared
  5. Bring solo music
  6. Bring plenty of water
  7. Bring all styles of dance shoes (You never know what type of style they will require you to perform)
  8. Bring a hand towel (Dancers get really sweaty)
  9. Bring a sweater and sweat pants for when you leave (You’re wet from dancing and need to keep your muscles warm)
  10. Wear street shoes to and from the audition (Don’t wear your dance shoes outside!! They are really expensive.)
  11. Extra dance clothes
  12. Comb, brush, and hair accessories (You want to look your best when auditioning)
  13. Be prepared for anything
  14. Have a good time (It is dance after all)  😀